
Pammukkale tour

Posted 18.04.2023

Pamukkale is a unique destination in Turkey known for its stunning natural beauty and thermal terraces formed by mineral-rich hot springs. Here's an overview of a typical Pamukkale tour:

  1. Pamukkale Hierapolis Ancient City: The tour usually starts with a visit to the ancient city of Hierapolis, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. You can explore the well-preserved ruins of this ancient Greco-Roman city, including the Roman theater, the Temple of Apollo, the necropolis, and the ancient Roman baths.

  2. Pamukkale Thermal Terraces: The highlight of the tour is the famous Pamukkale travertine terraces, also known as the "Cotton Castle." These white terraces are formed by the flow of mineral-rich hot springs, and they create a surreal landscape of cascading pools and terraces filled with turquoise-colored water. You can walk barefoot on the travertines, dip in the thermal pools, and enjoy the therapeutic effects of the mineral-rich waters.

  3. Cleopatra's Pool: Within the Pamukkale terraces, there is a pool called Cleopatra's Pool, which is believed to have been used by the Egyptian queen herself. The pool is fed by natural hot springs and is surrounded by ancient Roman columns. You can take a dip in the mineral-rich waters of Cleopatra's Pool and enjoy the historic ambiance.

  4. Hierapolis Archaeological Museum: The tour may also include a visit to the Hierapolis Archaeological Museum, which displays artifacts excavated from the ancient city of Hierapolis. You can see a wide range of artifacts, including statues, sculptures, pottery, and coins, that provide insights into the history and culture of the region.

  5. Pamukkale Village and Local Culture: A Pamukkale tour may also include a visit to the nearby Pamukkale village, where you can experience the local culture and interact with the friendly villagers. You can explore the local markets, sample traditional Turkish food, and learn about the local way of life.

  6. Optional Add-ons: Some Pamukkale tours may also offer optional add-ons, such as a visit to the nearby ancient city of Aphrodisias, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its well-preserved Roman ruins, or a hot air balloon ride over the Pamukkale terraces for a unique perspective.

Please note that the specific details and inclusions of a Pamukkale tour may vary depending on the tour operator and package you choose. It's always recommended to check with your tour operator for the exact itinerary and inclusions before booking.